$ docker run --name flexisip-desktop -v $PWD:/home/bc -it gitlab.linphone.org:4567/bc/public/linphone-sdk/bc-dev-ubuntu:20.04
NOTE)The followings will be implemented inside the container.
1. Install Flexisip Dependent Packages
Refer to the below Ubuntu 18.04 Dockerfile and install the Flexisip development dependency packages.
$ sudo su -c 'apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install libhiredis-dev libjansson-dev libnghttp2-dev libprotobuf-dev libsnmp-dev protobuf-compiler wget && apt-get -y clean'
2. Download Source, Build, Make DEB Packages
Download the source code, specify the packaging options, etc. then build.
Execute the following commands up to the build.
$ git clone https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/flexisip.git --recursive
$ cd flexisip
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make package
If you want to download a specific version one including of submodules downsized the repository history, specify the following options.
$ git clone -b release/2.1 --recursive --shallow-submodules https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/flexisip.git
The following packages will be created in the build folder.
Please install the above packages on the Ubuntu 20.04 host machine or use it when creating a new Flexisip Docker image.
In the next blog, I will describe the Dockerfile that creates the Flexisip Docker image from the above DEB packages, and the Dockerfiles that creates other images necessary for running the Flexisip SIP Server.